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Editing Course


Editing Course

Fashion Century Studio (Fcstudio) editing courses include colour correction, skin retouching, raw-processing, shape enhancement, frequency separation, HDR Toning, Noise Reduction, Background editing, enhanced lightning etc. Proper use of lights, sound effects is a very important part of the editing course. The students are trained to work with professionals. Learn editing courses from Commercial Photographer Unique Borah now.  Fashion Century Studio (Fcstudio) where you get editing classes and experience both from professionals. After the completion of the editing course, you will also be called for some assignment projects. Learning only about photography courses isn’t enough, it is also important to learn about editing courses, as both photography and editing will make you professional.  Photography Course in combination with an editing course will give a boost to your photography career. Fashion Century Studio (Fcstudio) here has come up with the best editing course in Guwahati.

Hurry up, we have limited seats available, call now for more information.

Total Editing Course Fees Rs. 30,000

(3 Easy Installment)
Admission fees Rs.15,000
Rs.5000 to be paid on the first day of class
The remaining Rs.10,000 is to be paid on the 15th day of class start.

For more information, please contact
+91 7777 887 555
+91 887 6490 887